Installation view of Falseness and Fine all elements combined. Banner, 10 cassettes with sound, 1 captive iPod Touch playing sound that is on the tape, Falseness and Fine, 3 pairs of headphones connected to the ipod, Framed piece on right. Errorist Picture #1.

Drunken ramblings and scribbles

and truth and everything

and don’t hit enter just keep going

and lose your place and find it again

and it wasn’t your place it was someone else’s

and whose was it and where was it

and I wasn’t blind it just didn’t see it

in time the leaks the steam dripping down the walls

soaking the beams the mold the splintering

the crumbling framework the old lines

the false expressions and where is it

where is that truth where is the feeling

in the work

find it

I am this dark and dreary

and gloomy and brooding

and thesaurus but nothing new is being said

like reading sixteen year old journals

women and wining and the same

over and over and over again

and falsely aloof observations

that I rue and are embarrassing

and no one ever saw

but I internalized their

falseness and fine

and falseness and fine

and breath

and falseness and fine

and breath and falseness

and fine and breath

and thickness and falseness

and thickness and falseness

and weightless and I have no weight

I am light not strong

where is my strength

every sinew pulls

and nothing moves

and there is no truth only beauty

I cannot see feel or touch

until someone else sees it in me

and ego and loss and false loss

and invented and longed for

and devouring and longing

to be eaten whole or hit by a train

of clip it and fall and crush and death

and then they eat me and have a congress

a conspiracy a loss mad ramblings

and truth and cemeteries and vines

and rowan and ivy and lunar calendars

and rain and rain and rain

and rain and greyness

and I thought I wouldn’t

be able to do this here

but apparently I was mistaken

the sun left and the gloom followed

 in my overhead storage compartment

sorted and compiled and complete

while my soul and things

and meaning were left behind.


Sobering up must take more

push save keep drawing.

It’s only midnight

and I’m not a grown-up yet

and who gives a fuck

I’m an artist I’ll draw

and produce

and be happy no matter when I wake up


 but I’ll brood because after it’s done

I’ll think I made something different than what it is

like that poem that made marie uncomfortable

and the better ones she wrote about us

and I should tell her that

that she writes poems better than me

and that she says

what I mean

about us more and better than I can say it

and that kind of hurts

but I’m reluctant to write the word

but the word that I’m reluctant to write

makes me inarticulate and sticks me and kills me

and devours me whole

and changes me and chemicals in the brain and the other person

and the loss and the pain

and the cost and the move

and the burn and the burn

and the burn and the smoke

and the smoke and the smoke

shit I can’t breathe

and break and breathe

and break and bath in the soot

and blood like paint and charcoal

and vine and willow and rowan

and truth and beauty

and the stars said it wasn’t to be

and she knew it and I knew it

and we denied it

try to fuck with the stars

I dare you


you will get schooled

and proper fucked

and the stars the stars

the smoke the breath

 the trees the night

the love the truth

the words the words

the words the beer the bear

bear the cost of love

of truth of words

of darkness of night

of birds and brides

and words and smoke and breath

and soot and smoke and breath

and soot and ash and trust

and trust and trust and breath

and smoke and soot and ash

and truth and it smells like fire

after a rainy night.